Installation of certificate in ruby

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Home page > Security certificate > Installation of certificate in ruby

Installation instructions

  1. Download the certificate of your Provider of NetFree from here
  2. Change the extension of the certificate to pem, now the filename will be netfree-ca.pem.
  3. Insert the certificate into the designated folder as described below.
  4. Refresh the certificate by running the script c_rehash.rb as detailed below

Note: When you install a different version of Ruby, the certificate will need to be reinstalled.

The folder where the certificate should be inserted

There are two options, please report us at our support system Which option has been useful to you, thank you.

In Windows:

C:\Ruby{The version number}{-x64 - If it's a 64-bit operating system}\ssl

For example: C:\Ruby25-x64\ssl

C:\Ruby{The version number}{-x64 - If it's a 64-bit operating system}\lib\ruby\{The version number}\rubygems\ssl_certs\

For example: C:\Ruby25-x64\lib\ruby\2.5.0\rubygems\ssl_certs\

In Mac:

/opt/rubies/{The version number}/ssl

For example: /opt/rubies/2.5.0/ssl

/opt/rubies//lib/ruby/{The version number}/rubygems/ssl_certs/

For example: /opt/rubies/2.5.0/lib/ruby/2.5.0/rubygems/ssl_certs/

Refresh the certificates

In the following folder appears in the script c_rehash.r run it:

In Windows:

C:\Ruby{The version number}{-x64 - If it's a 64-bit operating system}\ssl\certs

In Mac:

/opt/rubies/{The version number}/ssl/ssl_certs

Run the script c_rehash.rb Which is located in the same folder, it will install the certificate.