NetFree AnyWhere
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What is NetFree AnyWhere
NetFree AnyWhere is a software brought to you by NetFree which gives you the option to connect to NetFree from any unfiltered network through the NetFree VPN. The software checks and attempts to connect in several VPN configurations until a stable connection to NetFree is established. The software can be configured to automatically select the fastest server, or you can manually select a connection to a particular server. The NetFree servers are currently available in Israel, France, Canada and the United States.
The software can be downloaded from here After typing "I agree", and agreeing to the terms, the installation is very simple.
Logging on
In order to log on you must have a user name and password, which can be attained by requesting it in a support ticket or by sending a request to USAVPN@NetFree.Link . your user name will be your phone number and you will receive a password.
the user name and password then have to be entered into the line, separated with a colon, like this username:password
In order to open this window, click on the blue symbol in the taskbar.
Just like every ISP has its own security certificate, AnyWhere also has its own security certificate and must be installed.
Removing the software
To uninstall, download this file and run it as an administrator, note that this is not an official removal and there may still be leftovers and records of the software files on your computer.