Installing certificate in Google API Client Library for Java
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Home page > Security certificate > Installing certificate in Google API Client Library for Java
To be able to use the or any other library that depends on it (see for a partial list), it is necessary to add Netfree's root certificate to the library's embedded certificate store.
The certificate store is embedded in the following file: google-api-client-X.XX.X.jar. (X.XX.X symbolizes with the version number of the file).
The certificate store can be extracted using a tool for ZIP extraction. The files location within the ZIP is at the following path: com\google\api\client\googleapis\google.jks.
After extraction, Netfree's certificate may be added using the regular methods for Java certificate stores. Note: The password is NOT the default ("changeit") but rather "notasecret". The commands should be changed appropriately.
Once the certificate is added, repackage the JAR file by zipping it and changing the extension to .JAR.