Rabinical instruction - 23 Tamuz 5774
לעברית לחצו כאן
To switch from edit view to read view
On כ"ג תמוז תשפ"ד (23 Tamuz 5774), the Rabonim and גדולי הדור שליט"א came forth with a special notice (which was published the next day - כ"ד תמוז - in the Hebrew newspaper Yated Ne'eman),
In it, they came out against "The man who took harmful and dangerous initiatives to alter the character of the עולם התורה" etc..
Additionally, they determined that we must "Be careful of giving him assistance and recognition, and prevent him from carrying out his plan".
(The above quotes are translations of the original letter. See original for accuracy)
(The complete letter - in its original Hebrew form - is included below).
NetFree, which is guided and commited to גדולי הדור,
is unable to open websites and pages that include 'recognition' and/or 'assistance' to this person, especially, if this can assist him with 'carrying out his plan' ח"ו.