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מתוך ויקי נטפרי
גרסה מ־15:30, 7 בפברואר 2019 מאת Chocolate (שיחה | תרומות) (change back the layout as in the hebrew wiki)
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Welcome to NetFriends, brought to you by NetFree

NetFriends is where NetFree users help each other, as well as new users to the filter, to know how to use, and make the most of using this wonderful filter.

This project was officially established and supported by NetFree, but the contents were originally, and continue to be written and improved by NetFree users that volunteered to help. Before making any major changes please consult at the editors' corner

If you think there should be changes or additions to the site, but you don't feel able or qualified to make them, you can still help us by posting it on our forum, and other users will be glad to do what needs to be done.