Home page: הבדלים בין גרסאות בדף

מתוך ויקי נטפרי
קפיצה לניווט קפיצה לחיפוש
(52 גרסאות ביניים של 8 משתמשים אינן מוצגות)
שורה 1: שורה 1:
{{he|עמוד ראשי|הויפט_בלאט}}
{{עמוד בעברית|עמוד ראשי}}
<h1 style="border: none">Welcome to '''NetFriends''', brought to you by [[NetFree]].
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{{קישור אנגלית לתצוגת קריאה}}
<h1 style="border: none">
Welcome to NetFriends, brought to you by [[NetFree]].
NetFriends is where NetFree users help each other, as well as new users to the filter, to know how to use, and make the most of using this wonderful filter.
NetFriends is where NetFree users help each other, including the new users to the filter, to know how to use it, and make the most of this wonderful filter.
This project was officially established and supported by NetFree, but the contents were originally, and continue to be written and improved by NetFree users that volunteered to help.  
This project was officially established and supported by NetFree, but the contents were originally, and continue to be written and improved by NetFree users who volunteer to help.  
Before making any major changes or if you think there should be changes or additions to the site, but you don't  feel able or qualified to make them, you can still help us by posting it on [http://en.forum.netfree.link/category/4 our forum,] and other users will be glad to discuss and edit what needs to be done.<Big></Big>
שורה 20: שורה 13:
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<h2>[[קובץ:Netfree.png|28px|לא ממוסגר]] NetFree</h2>
<div class="box-toc">
<h2>About NetFree</h2>
*[[What's good about NetFree]]
*[[What's good about NetFree]]
*[[WiFree Software]]
*[[NetFree for professionals]]
*[[NetFree for professionals]]
*[[NetFree policy]]
*[[NetFree policy]]
*[[Privacy policy]]
*[[Privacy policy]]
*[[Terms of Service]]
*[[Recommendations on NetFree]]
*[[Recommendations on NetFree]]
{{תיבת עמוד ראשי|
<h2>[[קובץ:Filter.png|28px|לא ממוסגר]] The Filter</h2>
<div class="box-toc">
*[[Text Filter | Text Filtering]]
*[[Image Filter | Image Filtering]]
<h2>Join Netfree</h2>
*[[How to join NetFree]]
*[[Suppliers and prices]]
*[[NetFree VPN]]
*[[NetFree AnyWhere]]
*[[Welcome to NetFree - guidance for new user|Guidance for new user]]
*[[Security certificate]]
*[[WiFree Software]]
*[[Rent of Netstick of NetFree]]
<h2>Various personal settings</h2>
*[[Personal Filter Settings]]
*[[Tags & Set up addresses - Proper usage & tips]]
*[[Kehilla  Supervision]]
<div class="box-toc-conainer">
<div class="box-toc">
<h2>The Filter</h2>
*[[Word filtering]]
*[[Photo filtering]]
*[[Video filtering]]
*[[Video filtering]]
*[[Pdf files filtering|PDF files filtering]]
*[[Google search filtering]]
*[[PDF files filtering]]
*[[Sites open in NetFree In a limited way]]
*[[Sites open in NetFree In a limited way]]
*[[Sharing and transferring files in NetFree]]
*[[Quick help panel]]
*[[Policy of opening channels in YouTube]]
*[[What's good about NetFree]]
*[[NetFree for professionals]]
*[[News sites in NetFree]]
*[[Personal Filter Settings]]
*[[Personal Filter Settings]]
*[[Voting page]]
*[[Kehilla  Supervision]]
*[[NetFree special plans]]
*[[Video tutorials]]
</div><div class="box-toc">
<h2>Important information that users should know</h2>
{{תיבת עמוד ראשי מיכל En|
{{תיבת עמוד ראשי|
*[[Welcome to NetFree - guidance for new user]]
<h2>[[קובץ:Write.png|28px|לא ממוסגר]] Joining NetFree</h2>
*[[NetFree's Support System]]
*[[I want to connect to Netfree]]
*[[Quick help panel]]
*[[Disconnect from NetFree|I Want To Disconnect From NetFree]]
*'''[[Join NetFree from outside Israel]]'''
*[[NetFree Software]]
<h2>Aditional information</h2>
*[[NetFree VPN]]
*[[InfoRoom - NetFree users forum]]
*[[Tools for NetFree users]]
*[[List of necessary shortcuts]]
*[[Voting page]]
{{תיבת עמוד ראשי|
<h2>[[קובץ:Yard.png|28px|לא ממוסגר]] Limitations In NetFree</h2>
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<div class="box-toc">
<h2>Sites closed fully or partly</h2>
*[[Disadvantages and limitations when using NetFree]]
*[[Disadvantages and limitations when using NetFree]]
*[[Unsupported services]]
*[[Sharing and transferring files in NetFree]]
*[[Sharing and transferring files in NetFree]]
*[[Unsupported services]]
*[[Support for various operating systems in NetFree]]
*[[Website Translation with NetFree]]
*[[Sites containing Judaism contents that are blocked by NetFree]]
*[[Blockage of Otzar Hachochma forum]]
{{תיבת עמוד ראשי|
<h2>[[קובץ:Contract.png|28px|לא ממוסגר]] Installing The Security Certificate</h2>
<div class="box-toc">
*[[Security certificate | Security Certificate Installing Guides]]
*[[Standard certificate installer]]
<h2> Technical Support</h2>
*[[Installation of certificate in Android | Installing The Certificate In Android OS]]
*[[Possible problems with installing a certificate | Possible Problems While Installing The Certificate]]
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{{תיבת עמוד ראשי|
<h2>[[קובץ:Bulb.png|28px|לא ממוסגר]] Troubleshooting and Support</h2>
*[[NetFree's Support System]]
*[[NetFree's Support System]]
*[[Quick help panel]]
*[[NetFree forum|Forum for NetFree users]]
*[[NetFree for professionals]]
*[[Bugs and their solutions]]
*[[Sharing and transferring files in NetFree]]
*[[Slowness and disconnections]]
*[[Slowness and disconnections]]
*[[Tools for NetFree users]]
*[[Bugs and their solutions]]
*[[Video tutorials]]
*[[Clearing Cache memory]]
*[[List of necessary shortcuts]]
*[[List of necessary shortcuts]]
*[[Chrome extensions]]
*[[Google Groups in NetFree]]
*[[Clearing Cache memory]]
*[[Security certificate|Installing security certificate on various systems]]
*[[Possible problems with installing a certificate]]
*[[Uninstalling security certificate in windows operating system]]
*[[Block Windows updates automatically]]
*[[Website Translation with NetFree]]
*[[Live broadcast via YouTube]]
*[[Sites open in NetFree In a limited way]]
*[[Fix content settings in Chrome browser]]
*[[VPN troubleshooting]]
{{תיבת עמוד ראשי|
<h2>[[קובץ:Question.png|28px|לא ממוסגר]] General Information</h2>
*[[Welcome to NetFree - A guide for new users]]
*[[NetFree account - My account]]
*[[NetFree forum]]
*[[Voting page]]
*[[Video tutorials]]
*[[Effective time usage on the Internet]]
{{תיבת עמוד ראשי|
<h2>[[קובץ:Netfree.png|28px|לא ממוסגר]] NetFriends in Numbers</h2>
NetFriends is written and maintained by the wonderful NetFree community. Only so did it reach {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} manuals, which were written by {{NUMBEROFUSERS}} users through {{NUMBEROFEDITS}} edits.
You too are welcome to contribute to NetFriends by editing it!

גרסה אחרונה מ־17:58, 17 ביולי 2024

לעברית לחצו כאן

To switch from edit view to read view

To search in the Wiki

Welcome to NetFriends, brought to you by NetFree.

NetFriends is where NetFree users help each other, including the new users to the filter, to know how to use it, and make the most of this wonderful filter.

This project was officially established and supported by NetFree, but the contents were originally, and continue to be written and improved by NetFree users who volunteer to help.

Netfree.png NetFriends in Numbers

NetFriends is written and maintained by the wonderful NetFree community. Only so did it reach 564 manuals, which were written by 799 users through 16,612 edits.

You too are welcome to contribute to NetFriends by editing it!